In the Investigators room, tamariki have shown a huge interest around Te Ao Maori and getting to kno...
Here at Montessori Johnsonville, we enjoy developing passions for our pukapuka (books) and we enjoy...
Empowering learning for our four-year-old tamariki (children) to recognise and appreciate their own...
In celebration of Maria Montessori's 153rd birthday, we created a timeline of her life in recogniti...
In the enchanting world of a toddler's room in Beststart Hanley's farm, love and learning converge o...
Taniwha Whāngaimokopuna Our Preschool room planning is around oral language so this tied in nicely w...
We do our best to participate in all cultural celebrations that make up our centre!
This was a fun event that brought parents, kids, and teachers together, highlighting the importance...
In the Kauri room we are making connections to the people, places and things within our wider world...
Our youngest tamariki have settled into their newly renovated space, here at BestStart Raumati. Our...
This month, our tamariki have been really focused on helping their friends and playing their part in...
At BestStart Leeds Street, we love connecting with our community. One way we have fostered this visi...